" With Pcounter we have total control over the printing and copying costs"
Supported devices
Pcounter Embedded is supported on many Ricoh MFP models, a full list of supported devices and firmware levels is included below:
Streamline NX Share run conditions: HDD mandatory, maximum amount of RAM on some models depending on the SDK/J requierments
Fiery: direct communication with the devices controller is needed. The print jobs are printed throught the Fiery. 2 IP addresses are necessary
(2) : packaging xlet and servlet scan parameters are limited. Unsupported formats are suppressed.
(3) : Use single pass package to take into account this scan conditions.
(4) : for information current version of SDK/J. please ensure the latest SDK/J is installed on the device for the platfrom bug fixes.
(6) : Marketing validation is necessary before installing on this device model.
(7) : Prefer to use the SLNX Share SOP version
Installation target:
The servlets are always installed on the VM-Card / Flash Memory.
The xlet are installed on the HDD