Pcounter Mobile
Upload and release documents with a mobile device in any multivendor environment
Users can now use their mobile device to check account status, upload and release their print jobs across devices from multiple vendors.
Cloud-based technology using standard components.
Pcounter Mobile is hosted on Microsoft Azure and based on several well proven technologies.
No need to be on the local Wi-Fi to have access to upload or release any print job from a mobile device.
Eliminate the need for MFD clients.
Offering the Pcounter mobile App to users eliminates the need for MFD clients if users do not require sophisticated print manipulation, copying or scanning.
Pcounter Mobile allows printers and MFD´s with a or IP address to be a destination for print retrieval.
Printers without intelligence and displays can be mounted as a print destination
MFD’s like some Canon devices without Client support can be mounted as a destination.

With thousands of print jobs and users, tracking who has received the print job reduces waste as only necessary documents are printed. The encryption and person identification capability assist any GDPR compliance framework, the encryption means there are no security issues sending the document over any network, only the correct user receives the document.
Print jobs are encrypted

The Android/iOS native Pcounter Mobile App makes it easy to upload and send any document to the print service.
Supports documents from the MS Office suite, pdf files and many more.
Files can be sent from cloud services like Dropbox, OneDrive etc.
Documents are automatically converted to a printable format.
Upload documents for print.
Easy setup and configuration
The set up and configuration is simple and user friendly, with all configuration and setup done by Pcounter Europe (a small add-on module Pcounter Cloud Connect must be installed on the local Pcounter server).